Sponsor Us
As a BMAT STEM Academy sponsor, you will have the opportunity to engage with a cohort that are passionate about STEM. The curriculum and engagement from sponsors will equip them to have the skills necessary to support your business. As a sponsor you are investing into the talent pipeline and future employees of your companies. Not only will our students have the desirable skills for your industry, but they will also be directly inspired by your company.
This sponsorship engagement memorandum of understanding provides clear guidance on how to engage with BMAT STEM Academy, this support from you as sponsors will raise student awareness of your organisations and will support us in creating a pleather of opportunities for both our students and your organisation. We ask that sponsors are engaged in all six areas of our talent development programme.
If your industry is not actively recruiting apprentices, but are committed to driving and improving the talent pipeline in Harlow to address the gaps in industry we face, or if you wish to raise awareness of potential graduate career programs we welcome you as a sponsor. Take a look at the different levels of sponsorship we have to offer.
Our full sponsorship Memorandum of Understanding can be viewed below.